Restoration of 1km of heavily modified watercourse as part of a wider development. Jenny led development of a design capable of providing environmental enhancement, controlling flood risk and improving amenity value; and was responsible for securing planning, CAR licensing and outputting detailed design, as well as provision of construction supervision.
Optioneering and detailed design of compensatory wetland habitat within the functional floodplain of the River Spey. This included stakeholder engagement, hydrological appraisal of water supply options, water balance assessments and hydraulic modelling of floodplain dynamics to facilitate the development of a sustainable design in conjunction with a wider multidisciplinary team.
Development of geomorphological design and 1D-2D hydraulic modelling of the re-alignment and restoration of a heavily modified watercourse in cognisance of surrounding ground profiles and requirement to improve local flood risk by resolving overland flow routes resulting from historic channel modifications.