Mr Martin Stewart - Arcadis

Watercourse Realignment Design
Flood Risk Management (modelling and flood management schemes)
Surface Water Drainage Design (SuDS)
LLFS Drainage Engineer
Stakeholder engagement with Environment Agency/Lead Local Flood Authorities
HS2 – Highfurlong Brook Viaduct - Watercourse Diversion (Completed Date: Apr 2022)

I was brought in to deliver detailed design of the Highfurlong Brook Watercourse Realignment. My objective was to design an enhanced riverine system whilst restoring features to create natural habitats. I followed HS2 standards to design a realigned section, introducing riffles and pools and also backwater areas, increasing biodiversity.

HS2 – Culworth Brook Watercourse Diversion (Completed Date: Jan 2023)

I was brought in to deliver detailed design of the Culworth Brook Watercourse Diversion. My objective was to design an enhanced riverine system whilst restoring features to create natural habitats. I designed a diverted watercourse, introducing a low flow channel with off-line pools, proposing large woody debris and leaky dams.

HS2 - Tetchwick Brook Watercourse Diversions (Completed Date: Jan 2023)

A number of watercourses need to be realigned and culverted due to HS2. My objective was to design an enhanced riverine system whilst restoring features to create natural habitats. I managed the design of new sections, introducing low flow channels with improved sinuosity, replacing straightened field-edge watercourses.

I specialise in flood risk management, watercourse enhancements and drainage systems design. My career has covered many areas of water such as clean and wastewater, flood risk management, dams and reservoirs, surface water drainage and watercourse realignments. I have designed and managed watercourse improvements on many projects over the years, working in partnership with the EA, particularly when I worked for the EA and then becoming the LLFA lead. I have undertaken all RRC hydromorphology training courses and am currently applying these principles in my current projects.
07425 617392