News for: Australia

Respecting River Diversity

Friday, February 28, 2020

Australian rivers are different to those in other parts of the world. Our ancient land mass – subject to droughts and flooding rains, cared for and lived with for tens of thousands of years – has produced globally distinctive landscapes and ecosystems that can’t be found anywhere else.

Within Australia, there is an enormous diversity of rivers. This diversity is what makes each river so special and worth valuing.

Stock and Waterways: Australian River Restoration Centre guide

Monday, April 1, 2019

Twelve years since they first published the guide, the Australian River Restoration Centre have released an updated Stock and Waterways: a NSW Managers Guide.

In 2006, Land and Water Australia released the 'Stock and Waterways: A Manager's Guide'. Due to it's popularity, the guide was reprinted three times and has become a key practitioner reference document. 

Twelve years later, they are delighted that their partners WaterNSW have joined with them through the Rivers of Carbon Program to update the document into 'Stock and Waterways: A NSW Manager's Guide'.

Boosting Biodiversity in Breadalbane

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Australian River Restoration Centre runs the Rivers of Carbon programme, and in March they held a 'boosting biodiversity in Breadalbane' Community Conversation to talk about the unique features of the region, including chain of ponds systems and wetlands, and how locals might best manage these areas on their farms. The interesting thing about this region is that much of it is grassland, so planting trees along rivers is not necessarily the appropriate course of action.

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