Dr Bruce Lascelles - Arcadis

River restoration
Geomorphological studies
Soils (surveys, ALC, soil handling, soil restoration etc.)
North Devon Link Road - Borners Bridge (Completed Date: Apr 2019)

Assessment of potential geomorphological impacts from a culvert extension / weir removal. Geomorphological assessment undertaken by BL along approx. 3km reach to describe geomorphological features and function. Report pwritten by BL to set out baseline, geology, soils, landform and geomorphology and potenial effects/mitigation.

National Grid Visual Impact Provision Project - Snowdonia (Completed Date: Jan 2022)

BL undertook detailed peat surveys across a lowland basin to understand the geomorphological history of the site to inform an understanding of current hydrogeological function and assess potential effects from deep excavations on the basin edge. The baseline understanding and impact assessment was accepted by NRW.

North Wales Hydro Power Schem (Completed Date: Jan 2014)

BL undertook a detailed geomorphological study to assess potential impacts of increased abstraction for a hydro power scheme. Channel processes and sediment sources/sinks were mapped to assess impacts to WFD status and implications for rare bryophytes along the channel. Report and outcomes accepted by NRW.

Bruce is a soil and environmental scientist with nearly 30 years experience. With a degree and PhD in Soil Science he has focused on the importance of understanding soils, rivers and the wider physical landscape and processes and their interrelationships with the living world. A key area of expertise is the development of strategies for the creation, restoration and translocation of valuable habitats. Bruce is the current President of the British Society of Soil Science 2021-2022.
07738 888334