Protecting and restoring your river

Monday, May 20, 2019

River restoration is often mentioned in these pages and is the ultimate aim of the Wild Trout Trust and many other organisations. Restoration is not only about making improvements for fish and wildlife, but finding solutions that are accepted by the local community and landowners and which will work in the long term. The natural processes of erosion, sediment transport and deposition make rivers dynamic, constantly changing systems. It is important to understand and work with these processes for projects to be successful. Rivers are made by their catchments – if the catchment is healthy, floods and droughts are moderated and sediment delivery, erosion and deposition occur at natural rates. Catchments with lots of concrete and tarmac, or few trees and lots of land drainage generate higher flood peaks (and lower drought fl ows) which can be quickly transmitted downstream in channelized rivers. Re-establishing the natural fl oodplain connection and function should be a priority for restoration projects, particularly in light of climate change. Whist there are many approaches to restoration, the following pages illustrate some common problems and solutions. Most of these are within the reach of angling clubs and community groups. Remember, the key points for success are to set clear goals; agree these with all involved; work with the river’s natural processes and plan for future monitoring and maintenance.

View the infographic by the Wild Trout Trust



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