Call for Papers on Nature-based Solutions for Urban Global Climate Change Adaptation

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The UNaLab team are guest editing a special issue of the Open Access journal Resources on the topic 'Nature-based Solutions for Urban Global Climate Adaptation'. They now invite papers that address one or more of the following issues:

i) multiple impacts, costs, (co-)benefits and economic viability of NBS across spatial, temporal and social scales;

ii) effective co-creation processes that enable the visioning, design and implementation of NBS through engagement and participation of stakeholders throughout the different stages of co-creation;

iii) particular spatial and water planning systems that enable the integration or fostering of NBS;

iv) legal frameworks and institutional settings that constrain or enable the institutionalization, establishment and management of NBS.

The deadline for manuscript submissions is 31st May 2019. For more information, please see the flyer 


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