Mapping river and lake restoration priorities

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - 10:30 to 11:30
Learn about mapping river and lake restoration priorities, why this is important, and how to use the priority habitats mapping portal.

There is an opportunity for CaBA partnerships to highlight the best opportunities and most important locations to restore natural ecosystem function to rivers and lakes in their catchment. This includes streams and small lakes, which are not normally given attention under the WFD, as well as larger water bodies.

These highlighted sites will be added to national maps of river and lake restoration priorities for addressing biodiversity objectives. Having sites identified on these maps will improve the likelihood of support through the Nature Recovery Network Initiative and Water Framework Directive mechanisms. These maps should also be submitted as part of Catchment Plans, storymaps or webpages as part of the third cycle of WFD river basin management planning (RBMP3).

The webinar will cover:

  • What restoration priorities are, why people should record them and how that information will be used.
  • A demonstration of how to add river and lake restoration priorities to the Priority Habitats portal, including how to sign up to Cartographer (the system being used), how to request and manage a work space, how to add restoration priorities and what the outputs look like.