River Champions > 2023 River Champions
The success of projects aiming to improve rivers for wildlife and people is largely influenced by the involvement of volunteers. The River Restoration Centre understands the importance of this contribution and wishes to acknowledge those that may otherwise not get recognition. ‘River Champions’ seeks to recognise and celebrate the outstanding efforts of individuals contributing to improving rivers for wildlife and people outside of their day-to-day roles. |
Chris Brooks |
Chris was instrumental in setting up Scole Pocket Park alongside the River Waveney on the Norfolk/Suffolk border and is Chair of Scole Nature Trails Trust who manage this valuable community site. He is also Joint Co-ordinator for the Diss branch of the River Waveney Trust Volunteer Group who manage Frenze Beck County Wildlife Site owned by Norfolk Wildlife Trust and another small river site in the town centre. In addition to this Chris has been a willing volunteer helping with a number of Environment Agency riparian tree planting projects and regularly undertakes litter picking along the river corridor. Chris is out on one of these sites practically every day of the year and loves nothing better than a bit of hard physical labour and getting a good job done. But more than this is his ability to get other people involved, potential funders and volunteers and inspire them to contribute to these nature-based community projects. |
Mike Williams |
Vicky Whitworth |
Vicky is one of Westcountry Rivers Trust's leading Citizen Science Investigators, not only collecting monthly water quality samples across a number of sites but actively coordinating her community to do the same. Vicky recruits for other volunteers in her catchment, organises events bringing the entire sector together, puts on training workshops to ensure her community is up to speed, raises funds for equipment and is generally a force for the environment. Vicky's role doesn’t stop at just river protection and she is a champion for overall environmental protection with a hand in all the key work being done in her area. | |
The number of passionate, upskilled and equipped volunteers regularly carrying out water quality sampling in and around Chardstock and the cohesive community are all down to the amazing work Vicky has done and continues to do. Her passion and enthusiasm are infectious and the community she has built will no doubt bring about real, tangible change for our rivers. |
Previous winners: |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |