

For the latest news about river restoration science, policy and practice click here. If you want us to include any of your news then contact us.


If you want to know what events are taking place in the industry, then here is where you can find out. We will happily advertise your event, just contact us and give us the details here.

Click to join the RRC mailing list!


This is a river restoration-related jobs webpage. View current job opportunities here. Email us to advertise your job opportunities. RRC Members benefit from inclusive job advertising as part of their membership package. Find out more about these benefits.


Each month we produce a bulletin which is available to everyone. All of our bulletins from December 2010 to the most current one are available here. If you would like us to include something in the bulletin contact us.


Newsletter Archive

The RRC Newsletter has been discontinued to make way for more comprehensive issues of the Bulletin in December and June. It is still possible to access all of the previous Newsletters from October 1998 to December 2013 here.


Our team at the RRC are keen to express their opinions on what they have seen in the news, on site visits and at conferences. This blog provides an opportunity for you to follow the RRC's activities and views.


Research at the RRC

RRC lead and support world-leading research that we incorporate in our work to help guide effective and sustainable river restoration solutions. We aim to deliver
and communicate our research via various platforms.

Find out more

Research Blog

The RRC team are involved in a range of scientific research projects which feed into our core work areas. We carry out research to develop theoretical and applied understanding of different topics and methods within river restoration.

Find out more


Our YouTube channel is home to a number of playlists showcasing river restoration. Have a look at the UK River Prize finalists videos, guidance videos on river restoration and more.

Restoration Techniques River Restoration Case Studies

There are some fantastic videos demonstrating restoration techniques and projects. We have created a playlist of river restoration techniques; including videos of weir removals, re-meandering, and natural flood management. Take a look here.

These videos explain project information about various case studies from a number of different organisations. Take a look for some more detailed examples of river restoration in action. To view the playlist click here.