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Global freshwater fish populations at risk of extinction, study finds

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Freshwater fish are under threat, with as many as a third of global populations in danger of extinction, according to an assessment.

Populations of migratory freshwater fish have plummeted by 76% since 1970, and large fish – those weighing more than 30kg – have been all but wiped out in most rivers. The global population of megafish down by 94%, and 16 freshwater fish species were declared extinct last year.

Celebrating wetlands - where land meets water

Monday, March 1, 2021

Wetland habitats take many forms, from upland peat bogs through to valley mires, floodplain meadows and vast reedbeds. Whether fed by rain or groundwater, these wet habitats all need a water supply to create the conditions that keep their soils, vegetation and resident species happy and healthy. In the UK we have lost a startling 90% of our former wetlands, often by draining them to make way for agriculture, development, forestry and other land uses.  

The Power of Citizen Action on the Allier River

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

For more than twenty years, a movement of NGOs, fishermen, scientists, local residents, activists, and politicians have been fighting to restore the migratory pathways of wild Atlantic salmon. They have finally achieved their victory with the announcement of the "New Poutès" dam on the Upper Allier. The old dam has been removed, and a new structure will be built. The once 4.5 kilometer impoundment will now be 350 meters long.

Regenerative Agriculture – a new silver bullet for agriculture and the environment?

Monday, January 18, 2021

In 1992 I started my career as a newly fledged post-doc working on the Integrated Farming Systems project and so have been intrigued to see the rising interest in Regenerative Agriculture. But what is it and is it any different to Integrated Farming that has been promoted by organisations such as LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) since it’s establishment 1991?

'Who doesn't love a turtle?' The teenage boys on a mission – to rewild Britain with reptiles

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The new enterprise taking shape on a strip of derelict land beside a garden centre in Staffordshire would be extraordinary at any time. But the large pond, greenhouses, cabins and homemade enclosures that will comprise this particular startup are positively miraculous given that it is driven by two 17-year-olds, both studying for their A-levels in the middle of a pandemic.
