Geomorphology Courses

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Introduction to Hydromorphology (Level 1)

2nd August 2023, 16th November 2022, 28th September 2022, 16th March 2022, 17th November 2021, 9th June 2021, 31st March 2021, 10th February 2021, Online

"Helped me understand the basics around hydrogeomorphology and river restoration techniques"


Advanced Hydromorphology (Level 3)

  Hydromorphology for River Restoration (Level 2)

12th October 2022, 8th June 2022, 30th June 2021, 3rd February 2021, Online

"I found the design considerations and options analysis for restoration projects particularly useful. I will directly use this in structuring baseline study and design terms of references in the project I am working on."


25th January 2023, 5th October 2022, 9th February 2022, 3rd March 2021, 28th October 2020, Online

"Linking together the principles of hydromorphology to design a scheme"

"Equations will be useful, getting a better understanding of profiles and typology is good, using Google Earth as a demo for projects is great!"


Introduction to Hydromorphology (Level 1)

  Hydromorphology for River Restoration (Level 2)

17th June, Online

15th July 2020, Online

7th October 2020, Online


17th October 2019, 09:30-16:30

Warrington Deaf Club, Wilson Pattern Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 1PG

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Introduction to Hydromorphology (Level 1)

  Hydromorphology for River Restoration (Level 2)

19th June 2019, 09:00-16:00

Rosemoor Gardens, Clay Hill, Newbury, RG14 2FG

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6th March 2019, 09:30-16:30

Yate Town Council Buildings, South Gloucestershire, BS37 5PP

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Introduction to Hydromorphology (Level 1)  

Hydromorphology for River Restoration (Level 2)

20th February 2019, 09:30-16:30

Jurys Inn, Millburn Road, Inverness, IV2 3TR

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17th October 2018, 09:00-16:30

Liberty Room, Winterbourne House and Gardens, 58 Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2RT

Participant perspective blog - Flyer and agenda

Introduction to Hydromorphology (Level 1)  

Introduction to Hydromorphology (Level 1)

19th September 2018

Grampian Hotel, Perth, Scotland

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11th July 2018

Yate, South Gloucestershire

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"Really interesting, lots of information"

"Really enjoyed this course, has given a greater understanding of hydromorph"

"Very enjoyable and well structured"

Introduction to Hydromorphology for River Restoration and NFM  

Introduction to Hydromorphology

13th February 2018

Wilmslow, Greater Manchester



13th September 2017

Yate, Bristol, South Gloucestershire


"Good overview of issues and ways to tackle problems"

"Looking at a site and identifying problems on a catchment scale"

Introduction to Hydromorphology for River Restoration and NFM  

River Restoration and Geomorphology training workshop

22nd February 2017

Wilmslow, Greater Manchester

Flyer - Blog - Photos


25th April 2001




    This workshop looked at catchment scale flood management using the Holnicote Estate project as an example. Andrew Pepper also gave a talk and led a site visit to the nearby RIver Pinn.